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Trademarks are Intertwined with Our Lives

Trademarks are Intertwined with Our Lives

Starting with people naming the things they see and use, the trademark journey has taken an important dimension today with the digital transformation of our lives. Trademarks are intertwined with all aspects of our lives. They are everywhere we look and everything we hold in our hands. Now, even individuals are treated and managed like trademarks.

Proper, Creative and Catchy

The most valuable achievement of business life has become creating a trademark name that is "proper, creative, catchy, conspicuous, thus can connect with customers", which raised lots of questions.

What should my trademark be like? How can a trademark name affect the product/service success? Is the trademark I invented suitable for trademark registration? How to come up with a name that is both strategically proper and creative?
Proper, Creative and Catchy