
The smartphone that will Keep Children Safe

Having no apparent difference from a children's watch, Wiky Watch is also a mobile phone. Internet and minutes offered by a little package will be enough for this little smart phone working efficiently with a SIM card of any operators on the market.

Thanks to the application offered with Wiky children's smart phone, you can track your child any moment, decide people whom you want him or her to contact, and receive a message whenever he or she is out of the specified area.

Using the application, you can see the instant location of the person on the map, who is wearing the watch. The application sends you a notification when the person is out of the area you specify. In this way, you can keep your child away from the places you don't want him or her to be. Besides, your child can share his or her current location with his or her contacts on the list using the SOS button in case of an emergency.

Through this smart phone, you can also reach the data regarding your child's health such as the number of steps taken, the amount of ground covered, and the amount of calories spent. Wiky Watch will be offered for sale in technology stores and toy shops.