
It will be Possible to Control it with an AI that was Developed with Social Distancing

The AI company named Landing AI has developed an artificial intelligence that controls social distance, one of the most important measures to protect against the Coronavirus pandemic.

The company's AI tool detects whether people are standing at a safe distance from each other in real-time footage obtained from cameras. It uses data from cameras in the AI system that controls social distance. The AI detects people and draws rectangular frames around them. If the rectangular frames formed around people are green, it means that those people comply with social distancing. Those who do not comply with social distancing are placed in a red frame.

Landing AI says this AI could be used in workplaces for people to comply with social distancing. Thanks to this AI, managers are able to check whether employees follow social distancing rules.

The retail giant Amazon uses a similar AI to control the social distancing of employees in its warehouses, which are still operating. Warehouse workers who get too close to each other are warned via Amazon's AI.

Source: Futurism