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Trademarks are protected only in the countries in which they are registered. There are many different ways to register your trademark in Europe. Which route you choose will depend on the characteristics of your brand and your commercial strategy.
Ways to Get Trademark Registration in Europe

• EUTM (Back of the European Union) Application where you can register 28 EU countries with a single application
• Trademark application to be made nationally to the country you want to register
• International trademark application to be made by selecting the European countries you want to register through the WIPO system.


EPC – European Patent Convention
EPC – European Patent Convention
Applications are carried out by the European Patent Office (EPO) based in Germany

• EPC has 38 member countries including Turkey. (These 38 countries aside, if requested, the applicant can benefit from the application protection of the European Patent Office in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Morocco, Moldova, Tunisia, and Cambodia as well.)

• 12 countries of these 38 prohibit direct PCT applications on a national scale and also prohibit the PCT applications made through the European Patent Application alone.
• The European Patent Application consists of 4 stages in total till the licensing stage: research, examination, license, and validation (validation of the license).

• After the European Patent Application is licensed, a validation (validation of the license) is required in the country where protection is requested.

• If the European Patent Application is licensed, it will provide a 20 years-long protection time effective from the date of the application.

• In the European Patent Application, there will be respective annual fees effective from the 3rd year.


Designs are protected only in the countries in which they are registered. There are many different ways to register your trademark in Europe. Which route you choose will depend on the characteristics of your brand and your commercial strategy.

WIPO - The Hauge system concerning the international design registration applications
• It is carried out by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) based in Switzerland.
• It is operational in 91 different countries including the OAPI countries and the EU Member States, and a useful application system allowing up to 100 designs.

• At the beginning, international registration offers 5 years of protection time. There are renewals available at least once in the signatory countries of the Hague Agreement (1960), and at least twice in the signatory countries of the Geneva Convention. If the country's law allows, it is possible to have more renewals as well.
EUIPO (The European Union Intellectual Property Office) community design application
• It is carried out by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) located in Spain
• It covers the Member States (28 countries in total) (Turkey is not a member of this system because it is not a member state)
• A design registration valid in all Member States with one application
• Registration time is approximately 2 weeks, and no novelty examination by the Official Authority.
• Protection time is approximately five years effective from the date of the application. This time-frame can be extended up to a total of twenty-five years of means of being renewed every five years.

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